Every vehicle has its own shelf life. Whether you purchase for a brand-new or not, chances are, it will naturally wear-and-tear as time goes by. After all, you don’t want keep an aging vehicle and spend all your extra cash through repairs and maintenance.

But disposing your car is a different story. Your car should be in tiptop condition. Moreover, it needs to have major checklist from the engine, tires, suspension, and interior. A good recommendation is to have a mechanic that will do the checklist and fix the stuff that needs to be done. And besides, you don’t want to sell your car for a lower deal; so getting a certified casa mechanic won’t hurt your pocket at all.

UK-based Woodstock Motors, a car specialist service in London, shared their expertise on how to increase car’s resale value. Of course, this might not be applicable in Philippine settings, but it may help few guidelines on the basic of securing a better deal on car trading or selling.